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Nathan Hostetter #80502

Nathan Hostetter #80502

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Rum Village Disc Golf Course - SJVDGC Spring Long Pin MIxed; 25 holes; Par 77; 7,820 ft.
George Wilson Park - George Wilson DGC 24 Mixed Pins; 24 holes; Par 74; 8,263 ft.
Ferrettie Baugo Creek County Park - SJVDGC Spring League 2024; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,003 ft.
George Wilson Park - Combined Long; 21 holes; Par 71; 8,723 ft.
Ferrettie Baugo Creek County Park - SJVDGC SPRING-LONG/TEMP; 21 holes; Par 69; 7,393 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Rum Village 25 Hole Layout; 25 holes; Par 75; 7,430 ft.
George Wilson Park - George Wilson DGC 24 Standard; 24 holes; Par 73; 7,541 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Dominator 2.70; 19 holes; Par 67; 8,569 ft.
Meyer Broadway North - North Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,710 ft.
Meyer Broadway Original - South Shorts; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,456 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Rum Village 25 Hole Layout; 25 holes; Par 75; 7,430 ft.
George Wilson Park - George Wilson DGC 24 Mixed Pins; 24 holes; Par 74; 8,208 ft.
Ferrettie Baugo Creek County Park - SJVDGC FALL LEAGUE; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,794 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Dominator 2.7; 19 holes; Par 68; 8,729 ft.
George Wilson Park - George Wilson DGC 24 Mixed; 24 holes; Par 74; 7,682 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - SJVDGC FALL Long Pin 25 Holes; 25 holes; Par 79; 8,268 ft.
George Wilson Park - Combined Long; 20 holes; Par 68; 8,066 ft.
Meyer Broadway North - Shorts; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,356 ft.
Meyer Broadway Original - South Shorts; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,456 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Rum Village 25 Hole Layout; 25 holes; Par 75; 7,485 ft.
George Wilson Park - George Wilson DGC 24 Standard; 24 holes; Par 73; 7,555 ft.
Ferrettie Baugo Creek County Park - SJVDGC Spring League; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,930 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Dominator 2.7; 19 holes; Par 67; 8,729 ft.
George Wilson Park - Combined Long; 21 holes; Par 69; 8,447 ft.
Ferrettie Baugo Creek County Park - SJVDGC Spring League Longs; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,350 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Rum Village Mixed; 25 holes; Par 76; 8,064 ft.
George Wilson Park - George Wilson DGC 24 Standard; 24 holes; Par 73; 7,555 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Dominator 2.7; 19 holes; Par 67; 8,729 ft.
George Wilson Park - Sloppy Seconds 24 holes-Short Hole 13 FA1/MA4; 24 holes; Par 72; 7,317 ft.
George Wilson Park - Sloppy Seconds 24 holes-Short Hole 13 FA1/MA4; 24 holes; Par 72; 7,317 ft.
George Wilson Park - George Wilson DGC 24 Standard; 24 holes; Par 74; 7,800 ft.
George Wilson Park - George Wilson DGC 24 Standard; 24 holes; Par 74; 7,800 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Rum Village 25 Hole Layout; 25 holes; Par 75; 7,129 ft.
George Wilson Park - George Wilson DGC 24 Standard; 24 holes; Par 73; 7,633 ft.
George Wilson Park - Combined Long; 21 holes; Par 68; 7,633 ft.
Ferrettie Baugo Creek County Park - SJVDGC FALL LEAGUE; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,873 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Dominator 2.0; 19 holes; Par 66; 7,129 ft.
George Wilson Park - George Wilson DGC 24 Standard; 24 holes; Par 74; 7,200 ft.
George Wilson Park - Classic Wilson Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,700 ft.
Meyer Broadway North - 2020 Rumble North Shorts; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,629 ft.
Meyer Broadway Original - 2020 Rumble South Shorts; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,433 ft.
George Wilson Park - 21 Hole Skip D-F; 21 holes; Par 65; 7,100 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Battle 2020 20; 20 holes; Par 62; 7,099 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Rum Saturday 21; 21 holes; Par 64; 7,099 ft.
George Wilson Park - Battle PM rd; 23 holes; Par 73; 7,099 ft.
Honey Bear Hollow Campgrounds - Short Tee Rd1; 26 holes; Par 78; 5,300 ft.
Honey Bear Hollow Campgrounds - Short Tee; 26 holes; Par 78; 5,300 ft.
Shoaff Park - Shoaff Standard Red 18 + extra hole; 19 holes; Par 57; 5,512 ft.
Temp course (6 Red Woods + 12 Temps); 18 holes; Par 55; 4,415 ft.
Meyer Broadway North - 2019 Rumble North shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,554 ft.
Meyer Broadway Original - 2019 Rumble South Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,717 ft.
Sand Ridge Disc Golf at Lake Township Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,941 ft.
Sand Ridge Disc Golf at Lake Township Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,941 ft.
Deadwood Disc Golf - shorts; 18 holes; Par 55; 3,805 ft.
Meyer Broadway North - shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,482 ft.
Sand Ridge Disc Golf at Lake Township Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,954 ft.
George Wilson Park - Battle 2019; 21 holes; Par 65; 7,200 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Battle 2019 rd2; 19 holes; Par 61; 6,400 ft.
Sand Ridge Disc Golf at Lake Township Park - Lake Township Park, Sand Ridge DGC; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,954 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Spring Fling 25; 25 holes; Par 75; 7,640 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Spring Fling 25; 25 holes; Par 75; 7,640 ft.
Meyer Broadway North - North Short Tee pads; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,323 ft.
Meyer Broadway Original - south shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,612 ft.
George Wilson Park - PRINCESS CITY OPEN LAYOUT; 21 holes; Par 68; 6,600 ft.
George Wilson Park - PRINCESS CITY OPEN LAYOUT; 21 holes; Par 68; 6,600 ft.
Meyer Broadway North - Short tees; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,427 ft.
Meyer Broadway Original - Short tees; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,443 ft.
Meyer Broadway North - Short tees; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,427 ft.
George Wilson Park - GW18; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,900 ft.
Ferrettie Baugo Creek County Park - Baugo Sat A; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,100 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Rum 24; 24 holes; Par 72; 7,000 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Match Play Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,500 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Match Play Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,500 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Spring Fling - 21 Hole layout; 21 holes; Par 65; 7,350 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Spring Fling - 21 Hole layout; 21 holes; Par 65; 7,350 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Spring Fling 21; 21 holes; Par 63; 7,200 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Regular 19 Hole; 19 holes; Par 57; 6,500 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Spring Fling 21; 21 holes; Par 63; 7,200 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Spring Fling 21; 21 holes; Par 63; 7,200 ft.
Rum Village Disc Golf Course - Spring Fling 21; 21 holes; Par 63; 7,200 ft.
Ox Bow County Park - 21 Hole - 3 holes cut from original; 21 holes; Par 63; 5,900 ft.
Ox Bow County Park - 21 Hole - 3 holes cut from original; 21 holes; Par 63; 5,900 ft.
Ox Bow County Park - 21 Hole Mixed Tees; 21 holes; Par 65; 6,400 ft.
Ox Bow County Park - 21 Hole Mixed Tees; 21 holes; Par 65; 6,400 ft.
Meyer Broadway Original - south shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,355 ft.
Meyer Broadway North - North Short Tee pads; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,427 ft.
George Wilson Park - Extended Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,900 ft.
George Wilson Park - Extended Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,900 ft.
Ox Bow County Park - Oxbow Turkey Shootout 18; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,879 ft.
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
George Wilson Park - Extra Added Holes; 21 holes; Par 63
George Wilson Park - Extra Added Holes; 21 holes; Par 63
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
BITB-Rum Pool B; 18 holes; Par 56
BITB - Wilson; 18 holes; Par 54
Short; 18 holes; Par 51
Long; 18 holes; Par 57
L4/S17; 18 holes; Par 54
L4/S17; 18 holes; Par 54
4.9 20 hole; 20 holes; Par 60
L4/S17; 18 holes; Par 54
L4/S17; 18 holes; Par 54
5.7 21 hole; 21 holes; Par 63
Default Layout; 19 holes; Par 58
Default Layout; 19 holes; Par 58
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Rum INT.REC; 18 holes; Par 54
Rum INT.REC; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Wilson; 18 holes; Par 54
Rum; 18 holes; Par 54
OxBow; 19 holes; Par 57
Baugo; 18 holes; Par 54
Shorts; 18 holes; Par 51
Longs; 18 holes; Par 57
SJVDGC 2024 Spring Sanctioned Bag Tag LeagueL31-Mar to 26-May-2024MA1186807YesYes
SJVDGC 2024 Spring Sanctioned Bag Tag LeagueL31-Mar to 26-May-2024MA1292825YesYes
SJVDGC 2024 Spring Sanctioned Bag Tag LeagueL31-Mar to 26-May-2024MA1372793YesYes
SJVDGC 2024 Spring Sanctioned Bag Tag LeagueL31-Mar to 26-May-2024MA1587816YesYes
SJVDGC 2024 Spring Sanctioned Bag Tag LeagueL31-Mar to 26-May-2024MA1681840YesYes
SJVDGC 2024 Spring Sanctioned Bag Tag LeagueL31-Mar to 26-May-2024MA1781822YesYes
SJVDGC 2024 Spring Sanctioned Bag Tag LeagueL31-Mar to 26-May-2024MA1889767YesYes
SJVDGC 2024 Spring Sanctioned Bag Tag LeagueL31-Mar to 26-May-2024MA1980785YesYes
Fall Fling at Broadway Presented by DiscraftC7-Oct-2023MA4158811YesYes
Fall Fling at Broadway Presented by DiscraftC7-Oct-2023MA4266754YesYes
SJVDGC 2023 Fall LeagueL3-Sep to 22-Oct-2023MA1186770YesYes
SJVDGC 2023 Fall LeagueL3-Sep to 22-Oct-2023MA1291794YesYes
SJVDGC 2023 Fall LeagueL3-Sep to 22-Oct-2023MA1371795YesYes
SJVDGC 2023 Fall LeagueL3-Sep to 22-Oct-2023MA1488716YesNo
SJVDGC 2023 Fall LeagueL3-Sep to 22-Oct-2023MA1587785YesYes
SJVDGC 2023 Fall LeagueL3-Sep to 22-Oct-2023MA1798743YesYes
SJVDGC 2023 Fall LeagueL3-Sep to 22-Oct-2023MA1880839YesYes
Therapy Session 2C1-Jul-2023MA4156806YesYes
Therapy Session 2C1-Jul-2023MA4259806YesYes
SJVDGC 2023 Spring Bag Tag LeagueL2-Apr to 28-May-2023MA1192754NoNo
SJVDGC 2023 Spring Bag Tag LeagueL2-Apr to 28-May-2023MA1288788NoNo
SJVDGC 2023 Spring Bag Tag LeagueL2-Apr to 28-May-2023MA1370831NoNo
SJVDGC 2023 Spring Bag Tag LeagueL2-Apr to 28-May-2023MA1480803NoNo
SJVDGC 2023 Spring Bag Tag LeagueL2-Apr to 28-May-2023MA1584813NoNo
SJVDGC 2023 Spring Bag Tag LeagueL2-Apr to 28-May-2023MA1680746NoNo
SJVDGC 2023 Spring Bag Tag LeagueL2-Apr to 28-May-2023MA1788791NoNo
SJVDGC 2023 Spring Bag Tag LeagueL2-Apr to 28-May-2023MA1885814NoNo
SJVDGC 2023 Spring Bag Tag LeagueL2-Apr to 28-May-2023MA1981794YesYes
Sloppy Seconds at George WilsonC25-Mar-2023MA4193789NoNo
Sloppy Seconds at George WilsonC25-Mar-2023MA42105696NoNo
SJVDGC 2022 Fall LeagueL28-Aug to 16-Oct-2022MA1188757NoNo
SJVDGC 2022 Fall LeagueL28-Aug to 16-Oct-2022MA1290785NoNo
SJVDGC 2022 Fall LeagueL28-Aug to 16-Oct-2022MA1683783NoNo
SJVDGC 2022 Fall LeagueL28-Aug to 16-Oct-2022MA1779751NoNo
SJVDGC 2022 Fall LeagueL28-Aug to 16-Oct-2022MA1880781NoNo
The Big Kahuna 2022C30-Jul-2022MA4185802NoNo
The Big Kahuna 2022C30-Jul-2022MA4265758NoNo
Rocky River Rumble 4 Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC26-Sep-2020MA4156814NoNo
Rocky River Rumble 4 Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC26-Sep-2020MA4264747NoNo
Battle in the Bend - Open, Intermediate, Am MastersB5-Jul-2020MA4182760NoNo
Battle in the Bend - Open, Intermediate, Am MastersB5-Jul-2020MA4274779NoNo
Battle in the Bend - Recreational, Advanced, Pro MastersB4-Jul-2020MA3175776NoNo
Battle in the Bend - Recreational, Advanced, Pro MastersB4-Jul-2020MA3291790NoNo
34th Indiana Fall Series at Honey Bear HollowC27-Oct-2019MA3193765NoNo
34th Indiana Fall Series at Honey Bear HollowC27-Oct-2019MA3280827NoNo
Fort Wayne Outfitters Open Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC29-Sep-2019MA4165776NoNo
Fort Wayne Outfitters Open Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC29-Sep-2019MA4259834NoNo
Rocky River Rumble V3 Sponsored by Dynamic Discs (GDG $5k/$10k Event)C28-Sep-2019MA4156799NoNo
Rocky River Rumble V3 Sponsored by Dynamic Discs (GDG $5k/$10k Event)C28-Sep-2019MA4259824NoNo
Revenge on the RidgeC28-Jul-2019MA3156875NoNo
Revenge on the RidgeC28-Jul-2019MA3262802NoNo
St. Joseph County Parks and Recreation ShootoutB13-Jul-2019MA4160774NoNo
St. Joseph County Parks and Recreation ShootoutB13-Jul-2019MA4263756NoNo
Sand Ridge Summer LeagueL7-Jul to 8-Sep-2019MA1463789NoNo
ISS#5: Battle in the Bend - GDG $5k/$10k Ace ChallengeB6-Jul-2019MA3188725NoNo
ISS#5: Battle in the Bend - GDG $5k/$10k Ace ChallengeB6-Jul-2019MA3270838NoNo
Sand Ridge 2019 Spring LeagueL14-Apr to 16-Jun-2019MA1363787NoNo
574 Chain Gang Disc Golf Team Presents Spring Fling For Bling Part Deaux B13-Apr-2019MA3194747NoNo
574 Chain Gang Disc Golf Team Presents Spring Fling For Bling Part Deaux B13-Apr-2019MA3288799NoNo
Rocky River Rumble Sponsored by Dynamic Discs (GDG $5k/$10k Event)C22-Sep-2018MA4156811NoNo
Rocky River Rumble Sponsored by Dynamic Discs (GDG $5k/$10k Event)C22-Sep-2018MA4252886NoNo
The Princess City Open 2018 - Rec/Adv Driven by InnovaC/B1-Sep-2018MA3177815NoNo
The Princess City Open 2018 - Rec/Adv Driven by InnovaC/B1-Sep-2018MA3275834NoNo
St. Joe County Parks and Rec Shootout sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB14-Jul to 15-Jul-2018MA3157777NoNo
St. Joe County Parks and Rec Shootout sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB14-Jul to 15-Jul-2018MA3254879NoNo
St. Joe County Parks and Rec Shootout sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB14-Jul to 15-Jul-2018MA3351864NoNo
Battle in the BendB30-Jun to 1-Jul-2018MA3161853NoNo
Battle in the BendB30-Jun to 1-Jul-2018MA3262790NoNo
Battle in the BendB30-Jun to 1-Jul-2018MA3377831NoNo
Michiana Match Play sponsored by Prodigy DiscsXC29-Apr-2018MA1160791NoNo
Michiana Match Play sponsored by Prodigy DiscsXC29-Apr-2018MA1259804NoNo
Spring Fling 4BlingC/B7-Apr-2018MA3178844NoNo
Spring Fling 4BlingC/B7-Apr-2018MA3278844NoNo
South Side Sunday Service Spring 2018L18-Mar to 6-May-2018MA1184747NoNo
South Side Sunday Service Spring 2018L18-Mar to 6-May-2018MA1265887NoNo
South Side Sunday Service Spring 2018L18-Mar to 6-May-2018MA1376857NoNo
South Side Sunday Service Spring 2018L18-Mar to 6-May-2018MA1664885NoNo
South Side Sunday Service Spring 2018L18-Mar to 6-May-2018MA1786781NoNo
WIFFS #3 Frozen Fingers OpenC20-Jan-2018MA3169850NoNo
WIFFS #3 Frozen Fingers OpenC20-Jan-2018MA3270840NoNo
Ox Bow Turkey Shoot OutB11-Nov-2017MA2179819NoNo
Ox Bow Turkey Shoot OutB11-Nov-2017MA2273872NoNo
Rocky River RumbleC14-Oct-2017MA3165765NoNo
Rocky River RumbleC14-Oct-2017MA3261775NoNo
The Fear Itself Open 2017C/B7-Oct-2017MA3164860NoNo
The Fear Itself Open 2017C/B7-Oct-2017MA3266840NoNo
SSDGC Fall Bag TagsL24-Sep to 19-Nov-2017MA1772829NoNo
South Side DGC Summer ServiceL23-Jul to 27-Aug-2017MA1272695NoNo
South Side DGC Summer ServiceL23-Jul to 27-Aug-2017MA1376761NoNo
South Side DGC Summer ServiceL23-Jul to 27-Aug-2017MA1475771NoNo
South Side DGC Summer ServiceL23-Jul to 27-Aug-2017MA1664791NoNo
Battle in the BendB17-Jun-2017MA3158843NoNo
Battle in the BendB17-Jun-2017MA3261832NoNo
Leprechaun's Last StandB19-Mar-2017MA4163778NoNo
Leprechaun's Last StandB19-Mar-2017MA4278761NoNo
South Side Spring Bag TagsL12-Mar to 7-May-2017MA1172731NoNo
South Side Spring Bag TagsL12-Mar to 7-May-2017MA1365809NoNo
South Side Spring Bag TagsL12-Mar to 7-May-2017MA1570844NoNo
South Side Spring Bag TagsL12-Mar to 7-May-2017MA1662843NoNo
South Side Spring Bag TagsL12-Mar to 7-May-2017MA1768775NoNo
South Side Spring Bag TagsL12-Mar to 7-May-2017MA1972868NoNo
Frozen Fingers Open - W.I.F.F.S. #3C22-Jan-2017MA3163855NoNo
Frozen Fingers Open - W.I.F.F.S. #3C22-Jan-2017MA3264844NoNo
South Side Singles Fall Bag TagsL2-Oct to 20-Nov-2016MA1465795NoNo
South Side Singles Fall Bag TagsL2-Oct to 20-Nov-2016MA1560853NoNo
Princess City Open - Intermediate/Masters/OpenB22-May-2016MA2154893NoNo
Princess City Open - Intermediate/Masters/OpenB22-May-2016MA2259837NoNo
Princess City Open - Recreational/AdvancedB21-May-2016MA3161815NoNo
Princess City Open - Recreational/AdvancedB21-May-2016MA3259837NoNo
Mishawaka Meltdown Presented by Essential DiscsA2-Apr to 3-Apr-2016MA3164870NoNo
Mishawaka Meltdown Presented by Essential DiscsA2-Apr to 3-Apr-2016MA3279730NoNo
Mishawaka Meltdown Presented by Essential DiscsA2-Apr to 3-Apr-2016MA3362875NoNo
Mishawaka Meltdown Presented by Essential DiscsA2-Apr to 3-Apr-2016MA3458831NoNo
Leprechaun's Last StandC/B19-Mar-2016MA3164781NoNo
Leprechaun's Last StandC/B19-Mar-2016MA3276794NoNo