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PDGA Points System

PDGA Points are awarded to members based on how they finish in PDGA-sanctioned events. When a member completes a PDGA-sanctioned tournament or league they receive a point for each player within their division that they tie or beat (including themselves) multiplied by the points factor determined by the tier level of the event and the division competed in.  Tournaments are calculated on final standings, leagues are calculated for each week of the league and then combined (but have a smaller points factor than tournaments).  These point factors may be viewed in the PDGA Tour Player Divisions, Ratings, and Points Factors chart.

PDGA points are used at the end of the calendar year to determine two things:

End-of-Year PDGA Points Leader Awards

These awards are presented to the PDGA members who earned the most points competing within a division at PDGA-sanctioned events during the season. EOY awards are based on actual competition within a division during the course of the year, with the exception of Junior divisions. For example, if a 50-54 aged Pro class member earned more Pro points across all Pro divisions of play than any other 50-54 aged Pro class member, they would not necessarily win an award.  However, if they had more points earned while actually playing in the MP50 division than any other PDGA member, they would win the EOY award for the MP50 division.

Junior accolades will be awarded to the highest points earner within a division across all of the Junior Mixed divisions as well as the highest points earner within a division across all of the Junior Female divisions.

Award Criteria

  • To earn a PDGA Points Award for a season, a player must have been a current PDGA member during that season. If the points leader was not a current member during that season, the award will pass down to the next eligible member.
  • Points must be earned within a specific division, unless otherwise noted.
  • ALL Juniors earning points within a specific Junior division who were current PDGA members are to be considered for Junior Points Awards; the highest points earner within a specific Junior Mixed division across all Junior Mixed divisions, will be declared the Junior Mixed points leader, and the highest points earner within a specific Female Junior division across all Junior Female divisions will be declared the Junior Female points leader.
  • Tie Breaker: should more than one player finish the season with the same number of points earned, the number of events played in that division will serve as the tie breaker. The player who played in more events would be declared the winner. Should the tied players also have the same number of events played within that division, the tie will stand, and the players will be crowned co-points leaders. 

Obelisk Criteria

Obelisks will be produced and distributed to the winners of the following divisions, so long as they meet the obelisk criteria (below): MPO, MP40, MP50, MP55, MP60, MP65, MP70, MP75, MP80, FPO, FP40, FP50, FP55, FP60, FP65, FP70; MA1, MA40, MA50, MA55, MA60, MA65, MA70, FA1, FA40, FA50, FA55, FA60, FA65, FA70; Junior Mixed, Junior Girls.

  • Minimum number of players (both current & non-current) earning points in the Mixed division: 100
  • Minimum number of players earning points in the Female division: 50
  • Minimum number of events played in the specific division: 5 
  • Junior Mixed and Junior Girls points winners will receive an obelisk.

Points leaders in other divisions not listed above will receive a points leader awards disc.

Invitations to the PDGA World Championships the following year

Although PDGA Pro Worlds (FPO & MPO) invites are based on ratings, the invitations to the PDGA World Championships for Pro Masters, Amateurs, and Juniors are based on a current member meeting a published minimum number of points for their age-based division during the previous year’s PDGA Tour.  Unlike the End-of-Year awards, all points earned within any division matching the member’s class (Pro or Amateur) count towards a Worlds invitation for their Primary Worlds Division based on their class and age.  For example, if an Amateur class player aged 40-49 in the Worlds year, earned 250 points playing MA40, 200 points playing MA1, and 100 points playing in MP40 the previous year, they would receive 450 Amateur class points towards an Amateur Worlds Championship invite in the MA40 division.  (Only the Amateur MA40 points plus the Amateur MA1 points count, as the Pro points earned in MP40 don’t count since the member is Amateur class.)  Members may also earn a secondary invite for another division if they earn that division's points requirement while actually playing in that division.  For example, if an Amateur member aged 18 in the Worlds year earned a total of 200 amateur points (the MJ18 requirement) across all amateur divisions, they would earn an invite to MJ18 at Junior Worlds, but if they had also earned 2,000 points (the MA1 requirement) while actually playing in MA1, they would receive a secondary worlds invite for MA1 at Amateur Worlds. 

2023 EOY Points Winners

Name PDGA Number Division Country
Isaac Robinson 50670 MPO US
Shasta Criss 28597 MP40 US
Robert R. Bainbridge 22110 MP50 US
Patrick Brown 25713 MP55 US
Jim Oates 3351 MP60 US
Jeff Witt 3362 MP65 US
Steve Simmons 19234 MP70 US
Jon Graff 31145 MP75 US
Carlos Rigby 48542 MP80 US
Holyn Handley 133547 FPO US
Jenny Umstead 42066 FP40 US
Juliana Korver 7438 FP50 US
Sandy Gast 6440 FP55 US
Pam Reineke 6439 FP60 US
Sandy Gast 6440 FP65 US
Sue Horn 68 FP70 US
Nancy Wright 59790 FP75 US
Tanner Young 178544 MA1 US
Will Smith 75113 MA2 US
Gavin Connors 202937 MA3 US
Eric Decker 238239 MA4 US
Evan Schwartz 160612 MA40 US
Mark Miller 138054 MA50 US
James Huestis 37373 MA55 US
Mark Hauser 13459 MA60 US
Bob Ward 68828 MA65 US
Wes Steer 72625 MA70 US
Donald Parker 30178 MA75 US
Ronald Byrd 27572 MA80 US
Talley Rowley 231650 FA1 US
Kimberly Souravong 149854 FA2 US
Angela Christenson 221864 FA3 US
Jordyn Harriger 192413 FA4 US
Janae Chaney 182850 FA40 US
Debbie Polkinghorne 47513 FA50 US
Deona Werth 131510 FA55 US
Janice Jones 113511 FA60 US
Helen Kostoff 162340 FA65 US
Denise Gentry 54867 FA70 US
Judy Binz 177950 FA80 US
Edvard Espeset 158169 MJ18 Norway
John Ryan III 46920 MJ15 US
Kaidin Bell 86201 MJ12 US
Marcelino Cisneros 175032 MJ10 US
William Larson 229756 MJ08 US
James Alldritt 221406 MJ06 US
Isabella Parker 197689 FJ18 US
Kayla Hess 133513 FJ15 US
Irene Cisneros 193385 FJ12 US
Hayden Wiebusch 113370 FJ10 US
Hanniel Midtlyng 215300 FJ08 US
Lizzy Hacker 257502 FJ06 US