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Nicholas Toth #185249

Nicholas Toth #185249

Nicholas Toth 185249's picture
Nicholas Toth 185249's picture

Player Statistics

2021 Season Totals


MA3 · Recreational6132.00
Am Totals:6132.00

2021 Tournament Results

MA3 · Recreational

1058.50Queen City Amateur ChampionshipB11-Jul-2021
56.00Nati Tuesday Night Fall LeagueL24-Aug to 12-Oct-2021
712.00Crossover MarathonC05-Sep-2021
174.50Crossover Sunday Funday Singles Outer 275 Fall 2021L19-Sep to 07-Nov-2021
124.00SIC XC20-Nov-2021
627.00Crossover Fall Fling #4 2021C04-Dec-2021