20 | 22.50 | The Polar Open at Bill Allen | B | 13-Jan-2024 |
1 | 40.00 | Throwing Down the Gauntlet at Harry Myers, (SILVER) Sponsored by MVP Disc Sports | C | 03-Feb-2024 |
49 | 160.00 | Prodigy presents WACO - Am and Age Protected | A | 08-Mar to 10-Mar-2024 |
16 | 52.50 | The North Texas Open Powered By Hooligan Discs | B | 23-Mar to 24-Mar-2024 |
57 | 140.00 | 29th Annual Texas State Disc Golf Championships - Presented by Lone Star Discs | A | 05-Apr to 07-Apr-2024 |
12 | 22.50 | Throwing Down the Gauntlet Platinum Tier at Harry Myers, Sponsored by MVP Disc Sports | B | 20-Apr to 21-Apr-2024 |
5 | 20.00 | Spring Flex Start at Bill Allen presented by The Disc Golf Dojo | C | 11-May-2024 |
25 | 60.00 | Dynamic Discs Presents the Texas Amateur Championships | A | 24-May to 26-May-2024 |
2 | 30.00 | Chainwreck Flex @ Vets Xiii | C | 02-Jun-2024 |
8 | 5.00 | The Disc Barn Flex Powered by Hooligan Discs | C | 08-Jun-2024 |
13 | 45.00 | The Dallas Open, A Chain Bomber Event Supported by Innova | B | 22-Jun-2024 |
12 | 5.00 | Dynamic Discs Flex Start Friday @ Towne Lake | C | 28-Jun-2024 |
7 | 75.00 | Texas Data and VoIP Presents The 4th Annual Tiger Open Supported By Innova | B | 13-Jul to 14-Jul-2024 |
1 | 60.00 | Throwing Down the Gauntlet at Audubon - 2, (SILVER) Sponsored by MVP Disc Sports | C | 17-Aug-2024 |
12 | 75.00 | The McKinney Classic - A Chain Bomber Event Supported by Innova | B | 21-Sep to 22-Sep-2024 |
2 | 40.00 | Dynamic Discs Flex Start Friday @ The Colony | C | 27-Sep-2024 |
5 | 97.50 | 21st Piney Woods Open Presented by Mint Discs | B | 18-Oct to 20-Oct-2024 |
10 | 90.00 | The Alex Clark Memorial - A Chain Bomber Event Supported by Innova | B | 26-Oct-2024 |
13 | 22.50 | Dynamic Discs Presents the Cedar Hill Open - The Dirty Dozen Tour Finale | B | 16-Nov to 17-Nov-2024 |