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New Website Launched

New Website Launched

By: pdga
Friday, October 17, 2008 - 04:59

Welcome to the new website! This project has been many months in the making and has taken a great deal of time from many people. Please join me in extending our most sincere thanks to Theo Pozzy, Dave Gentry, Chris McLeod, Kevin Smith, and Todd Andrews for their dedication in getting us to this launch point.

The road to this new site has been long and rocky at times. There is an old adage that, You don't know what you got till it's gone and I am sure that fact became very evident to everyone who attempted to visit the old website during the past week. We apologize for the inconvenience that the downtime may have caused anyone but it was a necessary step in order to ensure that the security and sustainability of the new site.

Let me advise you that What you currently see is not what you get! While we have already transitioned a large part of the data from our old website over to the new site and new servers, there is still much to accomplish. We will continue to migrate data and features to the new site on a priority basis and once this piece of work has been completed, we will be improving the look and feel as well as adding many cool new features. We are only at the beginning of a long but exciting journey and we hope that you will join us. We respectfully request your patience as we work out the bugs that are sure to pop up from time to time, and we invite you to send us constructive advice and tips on how we can make the absolute best it can be. is the number one source in the world for Disc Golf news and information with an average of over 300,000 visitors per month, and over 100,000 of those being unique users. Compare these numbers to the size of our membership and you will realize what a huge benefit our website is, not only to our members, but to the millions of recreational players who play the sport around the world today.

Now that we've got a new website we need your help in taking care of it so that it will continue to serve us for many years to come. If you have a talent for writing articles, taking photographs or shooting videos, please consider volunteering some of your time by joining the PDGA Media group, which will be responsible for providing fresh content for the website. You can do this my sending an e-mail to me at explaining your interest and listing your talents.

Enjoy your surfing experience and please check back often for improvements!


Brian J. Graham
PDGA Executive Director