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This is the first in an occasional series from Andrew Ahrendt, Ph.D., who is a licensed clinical psychologist and avid disc golfer.


In today's professional game, proficiency with both forehand and backhand shots has become the standard. Photo: Alyssa Van Lanen

When I was at my competitive peak, my biggest advantage on the course was that I was one of the only players on tour that threw the sidearm interchangeably with the backhand. This allowed me to throw the highest-percentage shot on every single hole. In today's game, most players can throw well from both wings, so owning a proficient sidearm has become a necessity.

There are many components to developing a sound sidearm technique, but these are the top three things that I teach that lead to the most radical improvement for my students.

Rebecca Cox lines up a putt during the 2019 Jonesboro Open, which treated players to unexpected snow. Photo: Alyssa Van Lanen / DGPT

Winter is coming and, for some parts of the country, has already arrived.

But that can't stop the disc golf, right?

As we head into the colder months, we asked our Facebook followers a simple question this past week: What is your advice for playing in the cold and wintry months?

The responses and tips were fantastic.

(Yes, Florida people, we understand that the weather is perfect there.)

So when you feel the itch to play but the weather is snowy, icy and cold, check out these tips to help stay warm on the course:

Get your mind right, and the rest of your game will follow. Photo: Alyssa Van Lanen / PDGA Media

Disc golf is, at its core, a mental game. No matter how fit you are physically or how far you can throw the disc, your mindset plays a major role in determining how well you will perform.

And when it comes time for your first tournament, your mental game is tested on a whole new level. New nerves, new stress, and, of course, new ways to screw up. This can all take a toll and can lead to a pretty poor performance in your first tournament.