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PDGA Medical Committee

PDGA Medical Committee

The PDGA Medical Committee is pleased to announce the addition of four new members to the committee. Members of the committee have been selected through an interview process and represent a diverse group of medical and fitness professionals. Amongst the new members includes an Infectious disease specialist, Dr. Zachary Hoy. 

Here is the updated PDGA Medical Committee:

The PDGA is implementing a Reasonable Modification Request Policy. The policy allows players with disabilities to apply for rules exemptions where such exemptions may allow them to participate in PDGA-sanctioned events where they otherwise could not. Rules exemptions will be provided on an annual basis requiring re-submittal each year, and will not be provided for injuries that are temporary in nature, such as a recoverable injury.

After feedback from tournament directors and competitors and input from the PDGA Medical Committee, the PDGA has made two updates to its Requirements and Best Practices For Sanctioned Play During COVID-19. Both changes pertain to water on the course and now read as follows:

Event Operational Best Practices 2.2.L

Previous version: Events should avoid the use of communal water stations.

The PDGA is seeking qualified volunteers to add to the PDGA Medical Committee, which advises the PDGA Board of Directors and staff on matters of player health and well-being. Qualified candidates include certified medical professionals such as doctors, nurses, and therapists, as well as clinicians and scientists. Those with specializations in virology, geriatrics, and endocrinology are particularly encouraged to apply.

If you are interested in volunteering or finding out more about the PDGA Medical Committee, please contact Elaine King at

Seth Munsey (back) helps Eagle McMahon prepare before a tournament. Courtesy photo

By J. Branden Garland, DC, CCSP and Seth Munsey, CSCS

We find ourselves in an unprecedented time. For many of us, this has been the longest stretch of time without disc golf in memory. We are used to playing with friends, taking part in regular league play, tournaments, and other forms of competitive disc golf. We depend on this not only for activity, but also as a social outlet.

Without disc golf, we all feel a gap in our lives. That said, there are things we can be doing to maximize our athletic potential on the course when things open up.

The Professional Disc Golf Association is monitoring the outbreak of COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) and evaluating its potential impact on our membership across 43 countries on six continents, as well as disc golfers everywhere.

The PDGA is implementing a new policy on eligibility for gender-protected divisions (that is, female divisions). The PDGA Policy on Eligibility for Gender-Protected Divisions was developed by the PDGA Medical Committee with input from Laura Nagtegaal and was approved by the PDGA Board of Directors on 12 March 2019. 

The PDGA is seeking qualified volunteers for the PDGA Medical Committee, whose purpose will be to advise on matters of player health and well-being. Qualified candidates include medical professionals -- such as doctors, clinicians, scientists, and practitioners -- specializing in sports medicine, pediatrics, geriatrics, endocrinology, and similar fields. Those with knowledge of International Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Agency standards are particularly encouraged to apply.

If you are interested in volunteering or finding out more about the PDGA Medical Committee please contact Elaine King at