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PDGA International

PDGA International

The PDGA is pleased to announce these three countries, on three different continents, as its latest national partners, bringing the total of affiliated countries to 52 — 54 when USA and Canada are included.




Course opening ceremony. Photos: Disc Golf Mongolia

The joy of disc golf is evident in Cambodia. Photo: Greg James

A year ago, when the PDGA unveiled its new logo, the organization was left with a stockpile of former logo discs at our fulfillment house in Georgia, USA.

Our Memberships Manager Vic Allen came up with the cool idea of distributing most of this plastic to our overseas partner countries, across the developing world and elsewhere. In short, this would be another means of PDGA delivering on its mission “to develop disc golf into a globally-recognized competitive sport and recreational activity.”

Calixto Garcia, of Spain, is the new Marketing & Media Manager for PDGA Europe.

With the growth of the sport in Europe (and in general), PDGA Europe has expanded its staff with a new Marketing and Media position.

Calixto García is a 46-year-old marketeer from Bilbao, Spain, has three children and realized that throwing discs is somewhat better than hitting a ball with a stick three years ago. Since then, he established himself known in disc golf community as a huge sport promoter as owner of Zona Disc Golf YouTube channel that specializes in content in Spanish language, growing the sport not only in Spain, but also in Latin America.