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3 Weeks Left To Vote In The PDGA Elections

3 Weeks Left To Vote In The PDGA Elections

Check your email and help us break participation records!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020 - 10:14

Well, PDGA members, we have good news, and we have bad news. Which one do you want first?

Being an optimist, we’ll start with the good news: Just under a week into our 2020 PDGA Board of Directors Elections, 5,369 members have cast ballots to help drive the direction of the organization. We see extra birdies in your future.

The bad news is that we sent ballots to 47,876 members, meaning 42,507 of you are about to experience a Karmatic run of rollaways and double-bogeys if you don’t get those ballots in.

In all seriousness, though, we’d love for you to make sure you’ve received your ballot so you can take part in this year’s elections. Not only is voting a benefit of your annual membership, but it helps ensure you have a say in picking the people who will represent your interests in the sport.

Here’s what you can do to make sure you can participate:

  • Check your inbox for a message titled “Vote Now in the 2020 PDGA Elections" from
  • Check your spam folder for the same message.
  • If you still don’t have a ballot, we can get you one. Just be sure to reach out to PDGA Memberships Manager Vic Allen and he will get you set up.
    • If you joined the PDGA n or around June 22, 2020, your ballot will be mailed on July 15.

Now, there’s one more piece of good news to close with: Voting runs through July 31. So if you haven’t cast your ballot yet, you still have time. Put it to good use by learning more about the candidates:

And if you’ve already voted, make sure your friends have, too – that brings even more extra birdies, or so we like to think. Thank you for participating in the 2020 PDGA Board of Directors Elections.